Sup yawl...
As I said in a previous post, I ordered myself an Intuos 4 tablet. It seemed frivolous at first, but considering I found a killer price for it and I barely use my ancient mini tablet (that isn't even manufactured anymore) it was an opportunity I wanted to capitalize on immediately.
I promised myself to be more prolific with my illustrations and concepts and not rely on online competitions and freelance to bolster my portfolio, so I assigned myself of a weekly task (at least once a week) of a solid, digital piece, tablet only. That was my only restriction. The idea is to get used to the thing (which is taking no time at all... it feels so natural to me) and bolster my roster with more modern styled concept work. As I get into things, I'll probably assign myself more specific tasks than just painting 3 eyed squids:
Well, that starts it for me. This took about an hour, maybe less. It was divided between two lunch breaks at work, but considering how quick it was, I'm fairly proud of it!
Check back for more.
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